Your Life in 2021 thanks to a Coffee Mug

 So, I was in a Fresh Market doing some shopping the day after Christmas and of course it's been on my mind what my mantra will be going into 2021. And then, there it was. A nice boxed coffee mug sitting on a shelf caught my attention. After reading it I just new that this was it for me. the words moved me so strongly that I just had to share it with you. You don't have to take this on for yourself, but at least be open to what it suggests. 

I took a picture of this mug just for you to see. Coffee stains and all from my first cup of coffee in it yesterday morning. As I'm writing this I'm sipping Chamomile tea and honey out of it. I love this mug! Not because it looks fancy, but because of what it says. You can snag this photo, and really, I encourage you to. If the words speak to you and move you the way they currently move me, then you can have it. Take it with you into 2021.

The first statement says "Live with Intention." 

Pretty simple huh? The word "intention" is actually so profound and goes beyond what most of understand it to be. I am learning that it just doesn't mean to set your mind to completing a task, or having something, but what it really says is connect to the Source and flow with it everyday. It means to let go of those things within ourselves that disconnect us from the Source. Many times, that's us. Seek to connect with "Intention" in your life and allow it to move you towards fulfilling your life's purpose. To learn more about "Intention," I encourage you to read "The Power of Intention" by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. It has been life-changing for me.

Walk to the Edge." 

You can interpret this however you like, but for me personally, this statement is telling me to take risks. I don't know about you but I've been to the edge of some high elevations (twice at the Grand Canyon) and boy does it feel like a risk when you have no guard rail to stop your fall and all you feel is wide open air and space. It can be both exhilarating and unnerving. But I guess that's the point right? We are not really living if we are sitting in a comfort zone day in and day out. There is no forward progression or growth in a comfort zone. A good friend of mine says to do one thing that scares you daily.  This may sound crazy, but it's usually those things that scare us that move us in the direction that we need to go in life.

Seek to walk to the edge every day in 2021.

"Listen hard." 

This may seem easy, however, it's almost always difficult for most of us to do. Most of our communication is based on what we think, feel, and believe. As a result, we ignore the thoughts, feelings and beliefs of those who matter in our lives. Practice being mindful of how well you listen in your daily conversations. Choose to speak less and just listen attentively. Challenge yourself to not provide feedback unless it's requested. Just listen.

"Practice Wellness." 

Wellness is so important for all of us. When I created my mental health practice, "Renaissance Wellness Services, LLC, the word "Wellness" was intentionally placed in the title because of my strong belief that being well should be the ultimate goal for all humans. I constantly see with my clients that concept of being well is also the most ignored detail. Unfortunately, our society has indoctrinated us to believe and live out the mantra that "time is money." We are told to be busy constantly and do for others and never consider ourselves. I won't go too far into detail about this (read my previous post that talks more about this topic), but make it a mission this week before we bring in the new year to develop your own plan of self-care. Let 2021 be the year of you loving you. I mean that in every sense. If it doesn't serve your higher purpose or "Intention," change it or let it go! 

"Play with abandon." 

When was the last time you played your heart out? I mean really let go and had some playful fun? It's amazing how children are able to do this so well and you may remember the times when you were a child and couldn't wait for recess so you could let it all hang out with your friends on the playground. So why aren't' you doing this now? Your answer may be "life" right? Yes, circumstances have a way of making you a very boring person as you age. Is it really life though? I'm sorry but I'm going to have to take that excuse away from you. Focus on playing again. I don't mean running around a playground, unless that's your thing. What I mean is setting aside time as often as you can to engage in a playful activity that you personally enjoy and haven't done in a while. Or, maybe you can think of something new that you would love to try. Go ahead in 2021 and get in touch with your inner playful being.


Take time daily to laugh. Yes, I'm so serious. We have all read about or heard of studies that talk about how just laughing is great for your health. Are you laughing enough? I don't mean giggling at something. I mean a good ole', deep, belly laugh that sometimes leaves you in tears. That's the laughing you need to engage in. This type of laughter is so powerful that it can actually cause you to burn calories. You can laugh your way into better health. Watch something that makes you laugh. Look at funny memes. That works for me every time. Do this daily. it does a body good.

"Choose with no Regret." 

I interpret this as living life on your terms. This also means that you seek your own inner validation and not that of others. Make your decisions in life and move forward. You owe no one an explanation for your life and vice versa. Go for it in 2021 and don't look back. Life is about forward progression. Live up to your own expectations and not that of others. 

"Continue to Learn."                                    

Just as I stated before, life is about forward progression and growth. The only way you accomplish this is to have a better and clearer understanding of your life. This comes through constant learning. You don't have to enroll in school to learn. Personally, I love to read and this is the way that I learn and grow. If you don't like to read, then purchase an app that will allow you to listen to books. You can also listen to podcasts of people that inspire you to be better. In other words, there's no excuse why we all shouldn't be delving into topics everyday that cause personal growth. Go ahead and make a list and start now. 

"Appreciate your Friends."

Simply stated, remember those friends in your life who have stuck by you seemingly through it all and then some. The key to this statement is not to just tell them that you appreciate them, but to show it. How can you show your appreciation to that amazing buddy of yours? You know what to do by the way if you are close to them because you'll know just what they like. Make this your mission at least once a month to show them your appreciation in small ways that make a tremendous and positive impact on your relationship. 

"Do What you Love." 

This coffee mug is giving you the permission to "do you" as they say. Do you know what you love? A lot of us don't because we are so caught up in making sure everyone else gets what they love. Remember, 2021 is all about loving on you. So, do what You love. That's it. No extra explanations, but a challenge to turn your focus towards yourself.

"Live Life as if this is all there is." 

I tell my clients all of the time that all we know at this point is that you live life once. Now, after death, we may find out something different, but until then, go and be all that you can be in this life. Do so with reckless abandon. Go for it! Live life with no regrets. It's all about the here and the now. What can you do more of to live a life that you can feel fulfilled and content with after it's all said and done? One thing we know for sure is that just as all of us were born, we will die. It's nothing to be afraid of, but an understanding that should motivate us to go all out right now and every day. I hope this will be you in 2021.

It's amazing the type of wisdom that you can find these days. This time it came in the form of a coffee mug. I don't know about you, but this mug just changed my life in a special way. These are not just statements, but daily mantras to live by. 

I challenge you to be open to these statements and see if they align with you. If they do, then save a picture of this mug and focus on it daily (maybe placing it on a vision board, or in your journal). Look at it daily and allow it to speak to you. Develop your plans and allow "Intention" to take over the process. 

Based on how 2020 went, we walk into 2021 with fingers crossed right? Not at all. I believe that it's only up from where we are. I also believe in you and am certain that you are ready to attack the new year in a special way. 

I welcome your comments! If there's more that you would like to discuss in detail from this post, please do not hesitate to speak up. Click the link above and follow me! 

The author of these quotes is "Mary Anne Radmacher." I am grateful for her simple, but profound wisdom. 

Happy New Year!!!


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