Tips for Surviving a Pandemic
So, we have a pandemic on our hands. COVID-19, or Coronavirus is the name. I'm definitely not making light of it, or making a joke, but really? Who in the world saw this coming? I know we all heard of this crazy outbreak of something in China back during the holidays, but I don't think many of us as of even two weeks ago thought it would hit us like this!
So you, like me, may be reeling and trying to catch your breath and find your footing. We are living during an unprecedented time that will undoubtfully end up in the history books. Not many, including our government, have much previous history to pull from in how to effectively navigate such a bizarre event. I am not sure how this has specifically impacted your life, but I am sure that it has in some form or fashion.

But like with any crisis that we face in our lives, I have come to learn that it will pass, but how we function while we're in the crisis makes all the difference. So, while this pandemic may be here to stay for the short term, I have provided you with some tips in getting and keeping your footing during this time. This list is by no means exhaustive, but if you are like me, you like things to be short, sweet, and to the point.
1. Self-Care- You may have heard about the importance of self-care, but during this time, self-care is so critical. What I mean by self-care is not just your typical meditation, exercise and eating healthy, but on a more pandemic level. Disconnect from what or who may be bringing on more stress. In different times it may have been easier to handle, but now your focus has to be on the crisis in front of you. It's stressful enough, so anything that may be adding to that needs to go. Please take time immediately to connect with yourself and develop a self-care plan. It doesn't need to be fancy or costly, but it should be tailored to fit your specific needs. Nobody knows you better than you!
a. Take time to be alone- This means no children, no partner, and no friends for a moment to allow yourself the time to re-center. I have small children, so I understand that this is easier said then done, but if you need it, try to find a way to momentarily make it happen and daily. During this time you can read a book, take a relaxing bath, take a walk in nature, listen to an uplifting podcast, or just journal your thoughts. Either way, it's your "ME-time."
b. Get some fresh air- Just because we are working from home doesn't mean we have to stay locked in entirely. Any home crowded with family members for an extended period of time can begin to feel stuffy. Step outside on your porch or deck to get some fresh air and sun. Take your pet for frequent short walks. Take your children outside to play. Just remember to keep a safe, social distance from neighbors.
2. Acceptance is Key- As crazy as this sounds, life as we know it has changed for the foreseeable future. I don't express this in a negative way, but in a way that says the faster you accept it, the better. If you psychologically fight change. it will send you into an panic filled tizzy. But, when you accept a situation, no matter how difficult it seems, it causes your brain to kick into survival mode, and you become creative and adapt and change. In other words, you begin to go with the flow.
3. Determine your Resources- More than any time before, it's really important to tap into a support system. Who and what types of resources do you currently have? Stay connected with what may be coming available through your local, state and the federal government. Re-visit your household budget to see if there are any areas you can adjust to take care of basic expenses over the next several months. Don't panic, just begin to develop and execute your plan. You got this.
4. Reflect- The craziness occurring right now has a lot of us on lockdown in our homes, and several reading this may have been laid off and are trying to figure out your next steps as quickly as possible. I urge you to take some time on a daily basis to really allow this crisis to steer you in the right direction. Of course in the short term you may need to take action to pay the bills, but it just may be that this moment in your existence may be presenting you with the opportunity to reinvent yourself. What if this moment could change your life for the greater good in the grand scheme of things? What is life saying to you right now? Does it have your full and complete attention? For many of us this has been a great time to reconnect with our partners and children in a more meaningful way.
5. Get some Therapy!- Yes! Your mental health is as important as your physical, spiritual, financial, get the point. Connect with a therapist. During this time, it's so important to be able to connect with a professional who can support you. During this time, myself, along with other licensed mental health therapists, are able to provide online telehealth services to meet your needs. I urge you to reach out to someone who can help.
Remember, we all are really in this together. Please follow the guidelines of your state and federal government to slow the spread of this deadly virus. The faster, the better for us all to be able to recover and reconnect with those that we love.
Take care
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